Monday, June 28, 2010

A Waterbender Tribe

The Southern Water Tribe is located at the South Pole and the Northern Water Tribe is found at the North Pole. The Southern Water Tribe has been ravaged from the war and mostly lives in primitive conditions - whereas the Northern Water Tribe is surrounded by a fortress and has built larger structures to protect themselves from the Fire Nation. In both locations the terrain is snow-capped mountains, frozen lakes, giant glaciers and unless ice. The weather is cold and harsh in both regions, with snow falling year round - though in the summer, the North experiences milder days than the South.
Southern Water Tribe

A Waterbender Type

A Waterbender's power comes from a limitless internal life energy which is known as chi. Because of this, the Bender's power and ability is often tied to his or her emotional state. For instance, when a less experienced Waterbender gets angry, his or her water bending force may increase in intensity bit control will be lost. Waterbenders also possess the unique ability to increase circulation a 'heal' the body through bending - because the body is 75% water. Waterbenders are the most powerful when the moon is full (as only the moon and the Avatar has the power to push and pull the tides of the ocean.) Watch The Last Airbender Movie Online Free.

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