Plot: Spartacus seeks the safety of the woods for his surviving men while Crixus finds himself revisiting past horrors. Meanwhile, Lucretia spies Ilithyia's affairs. The Roman troops led by Gaius Claudius Glaber will not let this traitors pass their justice system so they set on a hunt for the band of freed slaves and stop them before they can cause further damage in Capua.
On February 10, 2012,Friday, be prepared to witness other terrifying and heart-pounding events in this epic TV series when you watch Spartacus Vengeance Episode 3. This upcoming episode is entitled “The Greater Good” and in here, Spartacus will be forced to mediate when the gladiators are close to divide into groups after news of Naevia’s fate reaches them. In the meantime, Lucretia will exchange a long-held secret for some information and an attack will put the rebels into great danger.
On February 10, 2012,Friday, be prepared to witness other terrifying and heart-pounding events in this epic TV series when you watch Spartacus Vengeance Episode 3. This upcoming episode is entitled “The Greater Good” and in here, Spartacus will be forced to mediate when the gladiators are close to divide into groups after news of Naevia’s fate reaches them. In the meantime, Lucretia will exchange a long-held secret for some information and an attack will put the rebels into great danger.